Providing Treatments
for a Wide Range of Conditions
At Meymand Integrative Medicine, we understand that each patient has unique needs. That is why we offer individualized battle plans and treatments for all our patients in Dallas, Texas.
Who We Treat
Decades ago, our work began focused on the most chronic and seriously ill people. They felt they had nowhere else to go, and we are honored they came to us. From the common to the rarest of conditions, we’ve seen and treated people from all over the world. We will work with you, your existing medical specialists and offer our own clinical network of experts to help you feel confident in the journey you chose to take. We make only one promise: if you want to work with us, we will do everything in our power to work with you.

Common sense says that we all could use a “tune-up” every now and then. Whether it is a detox, a cleanse, or a tweak, we are committed to helping people get as close to their optimal health as possible. We believe empowering people to get and stay healthy, allows us to achieve our goals. If you want to be your best self, let us join you on your journey!
Dr. Meymand spent decades researching the secrets of optimal and optimizing, health. This data lets us work with everyone to achieve their health and wellness goals. Elite performers - from marathon runners to musicians, weightlifters to football players, tennis professionals to professional dancers - all seek to maximize the potential of their bodies and recover quickly from the stress of training, global travel, and intense competition. Our focus on holistic and integrative health requires we coordinate a program with your coaches, trainers, doctors, physiotherapists, and nutritionists, so you can be at your very best.

Contact Us
Let’s talk about how we can help you achieve your health goals.