
Individualized Battle Plans

We believe we are at the forefront of integrative and personalized medicine.  Our goal is to help you achieve your optimal level of health and wellness.  We use a proprietary set of diagnostic protocols – bloodwork analysis, genetic testing, in-depth history, critical review of any existing scans and lab tests – to design a treatment program for, and with, you.  Our recommendations might include new therapies (stem cell, PRP, ozone, detox, personalized nutritional IVs, acupuncture, etc.) to replace or compliment any existing regime.  We review it with you in-depth and stay engaged to monitor your progress and adjust as necessary.  We are always available to answer any questions, no matter how many times you need us to do so!

Secrets of the Masters

Dr. June Meymand spent decades researching the secrets of optimal, and optimizing, health.  This data lets us work with everyone to achieve their health and wellness goals.  Elite performers - from marathon runners to musicians, weightlifters to football players, tennis professionals to hip-hop dancers - all seek to maximize the potential of their bodies and recover quickly from the stress of training, global travel and intense competition.  Our focus on holistic and integrative health requires we coordinate a program with your coaches, trainers, doctors, physiotherapist and nutritionists so you can be at your very best.

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What We Offer

Deep Bloodwork Analysis

Detailed Bloodwork Analysis

Whole body alignment- chiropractic, Graston, acupuncture

Whole Body Alignment

Stem Cell and PRP

Stem Cell and PRP Therapy

Advanced Therapies: Ozone, Detox, Rife, HBOT

Advanced Therapies

Genetic Analysis

Genetic Testing

Personalized IV's

Personalized IV's

Tailored Nutrition

Tailored Nutrition